I need to loose weight. FAST! Seriously. Cannot main-main anymore. So I have to start my diet TODAY! Eh. No no no. TOMORROW! [Adoi. Kata nak fast?] Ok ok. TODAY! [sambil mengunyah roti]
I want a flat stomach like this! [daydreaming]
Dear fat,
Here, I ask you politely to go away from my body because I don't need you anymore. I never need you actually but I let you stayed in my body. Today I want to stop being nice with you. Since you in my body, you gave me nothing other than fat. You made me look fat. You made me look ugly. You made me have no confident. Because of you, I cannot wear some clothes. I always have to consider about you every time I want to buy my clothes. I don't want to do that anymore. Who are you to stop me from buying everything I want? You don't have the right actually. I know you love me. But I hate you. I mean it. I know you are so damn stubborn. You don't want to leave me rite? Well I have no choice. I have to burn you. You don't want to cooperate with me in the nice way, I do it in the hard way. You want it or not, you HAVE to leave. I know you will not leave me today. But in the next 4 weeks, I don't want to see you anymore. We are not meant together. Got it?
“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality…” Ralph Marston

There is a great Chinese proverb:
"Eat like an Emperor at breakfast, like a Prince at lunch, like a Poor man at night" [can I eat like a Poor man everyday? hohoho]
"Eat like an Emperor at breakfast, like a Prince at lunch, like a Poor man at night" [can I eat like a Poor man everyday? hohoho]
Dear fat,
Here, I ask you politely to go away from my body because I don't need you anymore. I never need you actually but I let you stayed in my body. Today I want to stop being nice with you. Since you in my body, you gave me nothing other than fat. You made me look fat. You made me look ugly. You made me have no confident. Because of you, I cannot wear some clothes. I always have to consider about you every time I want to buy my clothes. I don't want to do that anymore. Who are you to stop me from buying everything I want? You don't have the right actually. I know you love me. But I hate you. I mean it. I know you are so damn stubborn. You don't want to leave me rite? Well I have no choice. I have to burn you. You don't want to cooperate with me in the nice way, I do it in the hard way. You want it or not, you HAVE to leave. I know you will not leave me today. But in the next 4 weeks, I don't want to see you anymore. We are not meant together. Got it?
“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality…” Ralph Marston
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